289 Characterizing a Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Stream using Evolved Gas Analysis and Multi-Step Pyrolysis
290 Using Hydrogen as the GC Carrier Gas in Combination with the CDS 7550S Pro Automated Thermal Desorber
286 Evaluation of Empore™ C18 Spin Column Ability to Increase Proteome Coverage via High pH Fractionation
Jun 8, 2023275 CDS 8500 Automated P&T ’s Internal Standard EPC Delivery Mechanism for Cal Curve PreparationThe analytical performance of the CDS 8500 Series Purge and Trap is demonstrated for the electronic pressure control, used for internal...
Apr 15, 2021235 Analysis of VOCs Using EPA Method 524.3 with an Automated P&T In EPA Method 524.3, environmental laboratories are allowed to modify purge and trap as well as GC-MS conditions due to the improvement...